កោះកុង ដែលគេស្គាល់ថាជា កោះកុងក្រៅ ត្រូវបានរកឃើញនៅក្នុងឃុំជ្រោយប្រស់ ខេត្តកោះកុង។ នៅតែមិនទាន់បានស្គាល់ដោយប្រជាជនកម្ពុជាភាគច្រើន វាជាកោះធំជាងគេរបស់ប្រទេសដែលមានផ្ទៃដី ១០៣ គីឡូម៉ែត្រការ៉េ ឬធំជាងកោះរ៉ុង និងកោះរ៉ុងសន្លឹមដែលល្បីជាងឆ្ងាយណាស់។
កោះដែលអាចចូលបានដោយទូកប៉ុណ្ណោះ គឺជាបរិស្ថានដ៏បរិសុទ្ធដែលជាចម្បងរួមមានព្រៃបៃតងត្រូពិចក្រាស់។ មានទឹកធ្លាក់ជាច្រើន ផ្ទាំងថ្ម និងបឹងទឹកសាបដែលជួបនឹងមហាសមុទ្រនៅឆ្នេរដ៏ស្រស់ស្អាត កាត់តាមមាត់ទន្លេកោងកាងតូចៗ។ ជាមួយនឹងឆ្នេរសមុទ្រប្រវែងជាង 50 គីឡូម៉ែត្រ ដែលមានដើមដូងវែងចំនួន 6 ដែលមានខ្សាច់សសុទ្ធ ជួបនឹងទឹកថ្លាថ្លានៃមហាសមុទ្រជុំវិញ។ ថ្មប៉ប្រះទឹក និងគ្រែស្មៅសមុទ្រជាប់គ្នាជាប់នឹងកោះ ហើយសំបូរទៅដោយត្រីត្រូពិច និងផ្កាថ្មរាប់មិនអស់។ ផ្នែកខាងក្នុងនៃព្រៃក្រាស់ ម្តងម្កាលត្រូវបានឆ្លងកាត់ដោយផ្លូវសត្វធំ និងផ្លូវតូចចង្អៀតដែលភ្ជាប់ឆ្នេរសមុទ្រមួយចំនួន។
ប្រទេសកម្ពុជាមានអត្រាការកាប់បំផ្លាញព្រៃឈើច្រើនជាងគេលើពិភពលោក ហើយព្រៃឈើដែលនៅសេសសល់គឺងាយរងការគម្រាមគំហែង {1}។ ព្រៃបៃតងទំនាបដែលគ្របដណ្ដប់លើកោះកោះកុង គឺជាប្រព័ន្ធអេកូឡូស៊ីដ៏សំខាន់ក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ហើយបច្ចុប្បន្នកំពុងរងការគំរាមកំហែងយ៉ាងខ្លាំង។ ប្រភេទព្រៃនេះមានប្រវត្តិទទួលបានដីសម្បទានសម្រាប់កាប់ឈើដោយសារភាពងាយស្រួលនិងសម្បូរឈើដែលមានតម្លៃខ្ពស់។ អាស្រ័យហេតុនេះ ព្រៃឈើនៅតំបន់ទំនាបក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ត្រូវបានកាត់បន្ថយទំហំ និងគុណភាពជាបន្តបន្ទាប់ ដោយសារតែការកាប់ឈើ (ភាគច្រើនខុសច្បាប់)។
Koh Kong Island is almost empty of people, even though the north-eastern edge of the island sits less than 500 meters off the mainland village of Lam Dam in Koh Kapik Commune. There is an army base at the north tip, small military outposts of one to two households at some of the beaches, and Alatang village in the southeast. Alatang is a fishing village home to about 80 families living in floating houses nestled just off the coast of a small bay. On land, Alatang Village has a pagoda and waterfall-fed pond which is used by the villagers as a water source. Alatang is mostly self-sufficient, with villagers occasionally travelling the 2.5 hour journey by longtail boat to Koh Kong town to fetch supplies.
យ៉ាងណាក៏ដោយ ដោយសារតែកោះកោះកុង មិនសូវមានមនុស្សរស់នៅ និងធ្វើដំណើរបានដោយទូក រហូតមកដល់ពេលនេះ វាបានរួចផុតពីជោគវាសនានៃការបំផ្លាញយ៉ាងឃោរឃៅ ហើយនៅតែមានភាពស្ងប់ស្ងាត់ និងត្រូវបានថែរក្សាយ៉ាងល្អ។ ការក្រឡេកមើលអត្រាការកាប់បំផ្លាញព្រៃឈើក្នុងប្រទេសនេះបង្ហាញយ៉ាងច្បាស់ពីរបៀបដែលកោះនេះរក្សាបាននូវបរិមាណគម្របព្រៃឈើដែលមានសុខភាពល្អមិនគួរឱ្យជឿ។ អ្វីដែលគួរឱ្យភ្ញាក់ផ្អើលជាងនេះទៅទៀតដោយសារឧទ្យានជាតិបុទុមសាគរដែលនៅជិតខាងបានឃើញក្នុងរយៈពេល 15 ឆ្នាំចុងក្រោយនេះ ឬកម្រិតនៃការកាប់បំផ្លាញព្រៃឈើមានកម្រិតខ្ពស់គួរឱ្យភ្ញាក់ផ្អើល។ ក្រោមលេសនៃអ្វីដែលគេហៅថា 'សម្បទានដីសេដ្ឋកិច្ច' និង 'តំបន់សេដ្ឋកិច្ចពិសេស' ។ នេះធ្វើឱ្យកោះនេះមានសារៈសំខាន់ជាពិសេស ព្រោះវាជាព្រៃបៃតងចុងក្រោយគេបង្អស់របស់កម្ពុជា។ ដោយសារតែប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តដ៏ធំទូលាយ និងទេសភាពដ៏អស្ចារ្យរបស់វា កោះកុង ក្រៅ បង្ហាញពីសក្ដានុពលដ៏អស្ចារ្យជាតំបន់ទេសចរណ៍ធម្មជាតិដែលអាចទទួលយកបានដោយមនុស្សគ្រប់រូប ដោយមិនមានការអភិវឌ្ឈន៍ដែលនាំឱ្យប៉ះពាល់ដល់បរិស្ថានឡើយ។
Visiting the stunning Koh Kong Island is a bit like traveling in time, back to when Cambodia's islands and beaches were as close to paradise as anywhere else in Southeast Asia. 'Development' - a word that has come to signify so much pain and destruction in Hun Sen's Cambodia, has so far managed to escape the country's largest and by far most beautiful island.
Here you will find no sewage, no garbage, no hotels or cainos illegally built right on the beach, and no noisy bars with rowdy tourists. Instead, you will find deserted beaches with crystal-clear waters, and small rolling hills covered with misty jungles.
Although selective logging has happened in the past and small-scale poaching is occurring, Koh Kong Island still retains its natural beauty and wildlife is thriving in relative peace. However, existential threats loom on the horizon.
A wide road has recently been constructed with the use of heavy machinery. The road, already about 6,300 meters in length, originates at the army base at the northern end of the island and heads south. There are rumours circulating that the road may be extended the entire 20 km length of the island. It seems likely that the road will continue to snake its way through the difficult to traverse terrain, which will make the interior much more accessible to loggers and poachers, or to well-connected land speculators, the ever-prevailing threat to so many other forested parts of Cambodia's . It would also allow for the potential of industrial scale logging of the forest to occur rapidly.
If this island is not destroyed from the inside out via the new road, it may be irreparably damaged during so-called development, or have access restricted by privatisation - both of which are happening in the islands off the coast of Sihanoukville. Just last year, the director of Koh Kong provincial Department of Environment, Morm Phalla, said that the Ministry of Environment was looking to protect the island. He stated that some parts of the island could serve to protect its natural resources, while others could serve the economic sector {2}. The unfortunate reality is that the trade-off between development and conservation in Cambodia is almost always (criminally) mismanaged. Private and government development projects across the entire country are regularly linked to forest destruction, often with the complicity of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, who currently happen to control Koh Kong Island via the presence of two small navy bases.
If the Government were to lease the island to a private company, under any of the many current guises we are seeing across the nation (i.e., a 99-year lease as an Economic Land Concession to an obscure company) Cambodian citizens and tourists could be excluded from enjoying the beaches, just like what has happened in other beautiful coastal areas, where only the super-rich can relax for $1000+ per night. This is not at all far-fetched; documents obtained by Mother Nature Cambodia investigators in late 2015 show that a group of companies - including the powerful and thuggish LYP Group - had applied for a concession in the island, allegedly to build high end hotels and other venues of entertainment. Though the government declined to approve the concession, the threat definitely remains.
An even bigger threat to this stunning terrain is that it meets the fate of the nearby coastal line of Botum Sakor and Kiri Sakor districts, which started being privatized with a complete lack of transparency around 2008, with utter disregard to the rights of the local communities, or to the once-abundant natural resources of the Botum Sakor National Park. The once-pristine coastline is now home to not just the highly controversial Union Development Group, but also a couple of large concessions to the LYP Group.
Should development have to happen, sustainable and ecologically friendly options, such as protecting the island and promoting it as an ecotourism area, must be the only approaches considered.
Relentless repression against independet media in Cambodia since late 2017 means that our activists have once more had to resort to one of our hallmarks since our inception as a group in 2013: creating short and high impact videos orientated towards Cambodian social-media users. In this video, one of our activists presents to his fellow citizens the unparalleled beauty of the island, and asks people to join us in our campaign to demand that it is left untouched. See on FB page
The Save Koh Kong Island campaign aims to introduce people to the beauty and importance of this special island, and to elevate its status, especially in the hearts and minds of Cambodians, so it can be preserved in its natural state for future generations to enjoy.
By raising the profile of Koh Kong Island, more people will know about it, which will help highlight its value and ensure that it remains beautiful because it will be harder for private interests to quietly exploit.
This campaign aims to encourage the Ministry of Environment to declare Koh Kong Island as a national park or protected area so it can be protected under Cambodian law and fully preserved. Mother Nature Cambodia is firmly against any development that can cause any negative impacts on the island.
Placing Koh Kong Island under the management of the Ministry of Environment can help ensure what little forest Cambodia has left is protected and the island is preserved as it currently is. This island is a piece of paradise that should be left as it is so all Cambodians can visit and enjoy it together.
Join us in saving our nation's heritage and help people across the world become aware of Koh Kong Island's rare, unparalleled beauty.
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